Upcoming events
Healing Service to Commemorate Senator Lester Hunt
This service will mark the 70th anniversary of the tragic death of Senator Lester Hunt. Included will be a Suicide Liturgy, a proclamation delivered by Governor Mark Gordon, and communion, with all welcome to participate.
Lester Hunt Portrait Display and Presentation
Symbolically returning Lester C. Hunt’s spirit to the Wyoming Capitol, the official portrait of Governor Hunt will be displayed in the Rotunda from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM on Wednesday, June 19th, the 70th anniversary of his death.
Lester Hunt Life and Legacy- Live Panel with Wyoming Public Media
Seventy years ago, former Wyoming Governor and U.S. Senator Lester Hunt died by suicide after a blackmail attempt by his colleagues in Congress. Hunt died amid the height of McCarthyism and the Lavender Scare. Wyoming Public Radio will host a panel discussion about Hunt’s life and legacy, considering the parallels between Hunt’s lifetime and today.
Lester's Legacy: Lessons from an Era of Fear
Join Casper Pride for a compelling community conversation and panel discussion as we reflect on the life and tragic end of Wyoming’s U.S. Senator Lester Hunt, a steadfast voice of reason during the fearful politics of the 1950s. We will explore this story as an example of the devastating impact of McCarthyism on LGBTQ+ people and their families and examine the political fear-mongering of the day in relation to our modern context.
Lander's Governor-Lester Hunt:Blackmail and Suicide
Lester Hunt was the only Wyoming Governor from Lander. He was a well-loved figure who was responsible, among many other things, for the Wyoming Bucking Bronc license plate. As Wyoming’s U.S. Senator, he ran afoul of demagogue Joe McCarthy in the 1950s and tragically died. Senator Cale Case and author Rodger McDaniel will talk about Hunt's life and legacy.
Dying for Joe McCarthy's Sins: The Suicide of Wyoming Senator Lester Hunt
The League of Women Voters of Fremont County are sponsoring author Rodger McDaniel for a discussion about his book, “Dying for Joe McCarthy’s Sins.” Learn about the impressive career and tragic death of Lander’s own Lester Hunt. Hunt was a Wyoming Secretary of State, Governor, and United States Senator.
Senator Cale Case will provide the introduction.